Without its thorns, a rose would not properly be Tom Ford. From the very first scents, the insolent embrace of the prickly Bulgarian rose, along with the May rose, some Sichuan pepper and a combination of ginger and turmeric, unveil an extremely sharp but charming contrast. The magnetic aromas of a bouquet of Bulgarian roses softly spread and amplify to melt both with the warm and woody breath of grilled Tonka beans, and with tasty and addictive hints of caramel and vanilla.
“The prick of a rose, the tender pain triggering an intense voluptuous pleasure. Inspired by my own rose garden, Rose Prick is a wild bouquet of rare and heady breeds. A trilogy of May, Turkish and Bulgarian roses. Sharp but pristine, warm and voluptuous, a heady flower bouquet in pink perfection. The danger of being so close to beauty accentuate the seductive power of Rose Prick.” TOM FORD
As a backdrop, some musk and Tolu balsam impregnate the skin with a special scent in their wake. Following the traditional bottle’s design of the collection, which takes its inspiration from check pieces, tones of pale pink tinged with a lunar blue colour the bottle. A new key creation in the olfactory game of the innovative collection Private Blend.
Tom Ford Rose Prick Fragrance, Private Blend Collection, 50ml, 277 euros at TOM FORD BEAUTY. Luxury version also available, 250ml, 758 euros. Available at Sephora.fr on the 7th of February.